Kalaki Art

"Spiritual Soul Force Artforms"

Kala 𒆗 mighty, powerful (Sumerian)
                sunshine (Hawaiian)
                giving ultimate freedom to another (Hawaiian)

Ki (気) Earth goddess (Sumerian)
            Universal Life Force (Japan)
            Air, Breath ( Mandarin)

ART in Sanskrit means Kala (कौशल)

Kalaki Art is not merely a company but a beacon of possibility, a sanctuary of soulful expression, and a catalyst for profound personal transformation. With a steadfast commitment to innovation, integrity, and holistic empowerment, we stand ready to illuminate the path toward a brighter, more luminous future for all who seek the boundless wonders of self-discovery, creativity, and spiritual awakening.

Kalaki Art projects which involve an array of artforms such as visual art and painting, poetry, energy guidance, life force activations and workshops all have one focus:

To help our world re -"member" our authentic soul essence through different art forms for more universal joy, harmony and love.

We all long to connect more deeply with our soul essence for more balance, inner peace and joy.

Kalaki Art activates remembrance and strengthens our connection to our innermost self by transmitting higher light and life force energy using different artforms.

As Ki and the key to your soul essence, Kalaki Art helps bring forth core aspects of your inner self for you to shine in your beauty and higher light for universal balance and joy.

Your Ki ( Universal Life Force Energy) wants to commune with you and strengthen your connection.

Vijessna Ferkic is a poet, creator and visionary specializing in oversoul recognition for ascension, energetic expansion, initiations for well-being.

Her Ki Quantum Projects excell us into the miracle-mind consciousness.

Vijessna travels the globe for Kalaki Art, shares Ki Art & Guidance with groups, individuals or through the world wide web for balance, love, joy and the experience of miracles.

Vijessna focuses on our relationship with the sacred invisible and seen, bridging the realm of consciousness, to guide us into awakening practices.

She is the author of Ki Poems "A Lobster's Journal" and "Munay Poems - The Healing Heart".
The creator of the "Munay Poems Oracle" for heart health and awakening.
more about Vijessna here

Kalaki Art